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"I take pride in educating and promoting health. I am passionate about helping develop strong and functional bodies to endure a long day's work. Small adjustments, modifications, and progressions are made to exericses and movements to challenge and improve muscle recruitment. Maxamize your time with a CESP learning-curve!"

Ryan Molohon MS, CSCS


"You are an amazing trainer and I feel accomplished, motivated, and inspired every time we meet.  Thanks for your wonderful spirit, your never ending encouragement, and your awesome skills. Thanks for being you!”​
Colleen Worley


“Thanks for giving my Pops that extra push. I knew he'd gain something from your knowledge. What you're doing for people is amazing.  You're making a true lasting impact on someone every single day. Thanks again."
Sara Roberts


"You never know what kind of health curve ball life may throw at you. Is your body ready? Make time to take care of yourself, it is a time investment and a sacrifice that is well worth it with Ryan Molohon and CESP."

Crystal Molohon


"Awesome work out tonight! Feeling great and I know its gonna get me in shape fast! By far the best place to get fit with Corrective Exericise SP."

Ellen Setzer


"Kicked all kind of butt during my workout this morning. And by butt, I mean mine, which is dwindling in size."

Kristin Richards


"Great intense combative training class at Corrective Exericse SP. Haven't worked like that since my tae kwon do classes."

Todd Denton


"I wish my gym offered some of the group training you do. I would love to learn new stuff." 

Melanie Workman


"Don’t be shy to contact this facility/gym or even just show up, because if you’re a new face Ryan and Justin will come up and greet you and make the environment comfortable for you and they’ll help you with any questions you have."

Dakota Decker


"I really appreciate our sessions. I get a great WO and I'm Learning exactly what I waned to.  Worth every penny man. See you next week."

Lee Rupnik

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